
New Grant! The lab has received a 2-year supplement to our current R01, Exploring the Role of Mitochondrial Fission in Pancreatic Tumorigenesis

November 21, 2017 by

New Grant!  The lab has received a 2-year supplement to our current R01,  Exploring the Role of Mitochondrial Fission in Pancreatic Tumorigenesis, to develop and employ image processing and computational methods to identify relationships between mitochondrial morphological heterogeneity and the physiological features that drive pancreatic tumorigenesis.  This grant, funded by the National Cancer Institute, is a collaboration between the Kashatus Lab and the labs of Nathan Swami, PhD in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Todd Bauer, MD in the Department of Surgery.  We are currently seeking a talented postdoc to work on this project.  More information can be found at  (search for posting 0621859).